You’re taking personal safety seriously, but you may be overlooking the safety of your data.
Read More...You’re taking personal safety seriously, but you may be overlooking the safety of your data.
Read More...There is a tension in the American Legal system today between the need for cooperation amongst parties to reduce the cost and length of e-Discovery, and the adversarial approach to litigation that most attorney’s feel is their obligation.
Read More...There is a lot of interest in Predictive coding alternately known as either Computer assisted review or Technology assisted review. There is good reason for the interest as it promises to revolutionize the task of reviewing documents.
Read More...Cloud computing is the next “it” thing in technology. Many will argue that it has arrived and we need to climb aboard this technology wagon before we miss the opportunity for a great ride. But what is “Cloud” computing? If you ask a consumer of technology their opinion might be that cloud computing is some […]
Read More...When looking determining best practices for establishing and implementing a legal hold, it’s typical for questions to be asked of your current system and what the case demands to then build a plan moving forward.
Read More...Some people in positions of power still aren’t savvy on the expanding world of social media, or, even worse, they’re flat-out ignoring it..
Read More...So you’re looking to improve efficiency and lower costs without sacrificing your security or litigation readiness? Well here’s a trending IT solution, and all the important points you need to know to successfully implement it.
Read More...Is Predictive Coding Passe Already? On an otherwise ordinary Friday in February of 2012, Judge Peck changed the landscape of eDiscovery forever when he approved the use of Computer Assisted Review (Often thought of as Predictive Coding). Ever since that day, Predictive Coding has been the buzzword at the tip of everyone’s tongue. Articles upon […]